Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Discuss Charlotte Bronte’s portrayal of childhood in Jane...
Discuss Charlotte Bronte’s portrayal of childhood in Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s ‘Jane Eyre’ was a controversial novel for its time. It traces the heroine from an orphan child to a contented adult woman. Through the trials Jane experiences Brontà « highlights many hypocritical aspects of Victorian society, mainly focusing on the religious hypocrisy of the era. Subtitled ‘An Autobiography’, the novel in parts closely resembles Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s own childhood and her evocation of Jane’s experiences of Gateshead and Lowood remain as vivid as ever for the modern reader. Brontà « explores childhood feelings of hurt and loss, focusing on a solitary, suffering child. In these first nine chapters we see Jane at Gateshead, where she is the†¦show more content†¦Bronte has purposefully rejected the idea of a conventionally beautiful heroine; she told siblings ‘I will show you a heroine as plain and small as myself’. As a reader we have more respect for Jane because of these virtues, she has more emotion and does not appear placid. She questions everything, which is unfortunate at Gateshead as Mrs Reed doesn’t ‘like cavillers or questioners†¦there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner.’ Jane is shown to possess a strong and rich inner life, but we notice also how much she internalises and, when attacked, retreats and finds solace in solitude, in the world of art, and in contact with nature. Something which recurs throughout the opening chapters is the emphasis on imprisonment and confinement: locked in by Nature (the opening sentence of the novel), by the Reed family, locked in the Red Room, and effectively incarcerated at Lowood school. In a sense this provides a key to her character within the novel - unable or not expected to express herself outwardly she has to internalise, to take her responses within, and to reflect on and analyse them. The windows keep her protected, although that is not what she wants. Isolated from the rest of the family until she could ‘acquire a more sociable and childlike disposition’, she loses herself in academic volumes; first
Monday, December 16, 2019
Themed hotel Free Essays
Themed hotel has almost fifty years history. Since the first themed hotel was established in California by Madonna in 1958,it has been developed into on of the most typical theme hotels in America. Themed hotels can satisfy customer’s spiritual and emotional needs,it has been introduced in China in 2001 . We will write a custom essay sample on Themed hotel or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the following ten years many history related themed hotels have emerged. Len Holman hotels have become more and more competitive due to the lack In diversity. TLS dissertation selects many theme hotels both In China and other countries as case of successful application of experiential marketing to analysis and study,Len order to provide marketing strategies for the further development of the themed hotel In Holman. According to my research, I advice themed hotels In Human taking the following measures to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future. Flirts,all faceless In hotel should be focused on the same theme. Second,hotels need to put emphasis on customers emotional needs. Told,alt Is very Important to let hotel staff understand the true meaning of the hotel theme and do whatever It takes to express he meaning of the theme during their service. Themed hotel has almost fifty years history. Since the first themed hotel was established in California by Madonna in 1958,it has been developed into on of the most typical theme hotels in America. Themed hotels can satisfy customers spiritual and emotional needs,it has been introduced in China in 2001 . During the following ten years many history related themed hotels have emerged. Len Hanna hotels have become more and more competitive due to the lack in diversity. This dissertation selects many theme hotels OTOH in China and other countries as case of successful application of experiential marketing to analysis and study,in order to provide marketing strategies for the further development of the themed hotel in Hanna. According to my research, I advice themed hotels in Hanna taking the following measures to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future. First,all facilities in hotel should be focused on the same theme. Second,hotels need to put emphasis on customers emotional needs. Third,alt is very important to let hotel staff understand the true meaning of the tool theme and do whatever it takes to express the meaning of the theme during their service. BY Iroquois spiritual and emotional needs,it has been introduced in China in 2001 . During the following ten years many history related themed hotels have emerged. Len Hanna hotels have become more and more competitive due to the lack in diversity. This dissertation selects many theme hotels both in China and other countries as case of successful application of experiential marketing to analysis and study,in order to roved marketing strategies for the further development of the themed hotel in Hanna. According to my research, I advice themed hotels in Hanna taking the following measures to ensure a more sustainable and prosperous future. First,all facilities in hotel should be focused on the same theme. Second,hotels need to put emphasis on customers emotional needs. Third,alt is very important to let hotel staff understand the true meaning of the hotel theme and do whatever it takes to express Themed hotels can satisfy customer’s spiritual and emotional needs, How to cite Themed hotel, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Arrow Impossibility Theorem Sample Essay Example For Students
Arrow Impossibility Theorem Sample Essay Arrow’s impossibleness theorem represents a fascinating job in the doctrine of economic sciences. widely discussed for insinuating uncertainty on normally accepted beliefs towards corporate determination devising processs. This essay will present its cardinal premises. explicate its significance. research some of the solutions available to get away its anticipations and eventually discourse its deductions for political vote and elections. I will get down by giving some definitions and showing the cardinal issue of societal pick theory. dwelling of the designation of an â€Å"ideal†device for penchant collection. capable of change overing single rankings into corporate 1s. reflecting each individual’s penchant into an optimum social pick. Given a finite set of electors holding to take between a finite set of campaigners. we call a vote system the map taking as input the vote penchants of each elector and returning as end product a jointly valid ranking of the campaigners. Majority vote is the vote system necessitating that given two alternate options X and Y. X is preferred to Y by the group if the figure of group members prefering Ten to Y exceeds that of members prefering Y to X. When group penchants are rational and transitive. for every pairwise comparing between two options. the group-wide valid result obtained using bulk vote is a alone winning option. which is said to be the â€Å"Condorcet winner†. Sometimes though. group penchants are non rational and for each pairwise comparing a different victor emerges. In such instance there is said to be a cycling bulk and the state of affairs represents a â€Å"Condorcet paradox†. Named after the distinguished economic expert and nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow. the â€Å"Arrow Impossibility Theorem†was foremost proposed and demonstrated in his book â€Å"Social Choice and Individual Values†. published in 1951. The theorem states the impossibleness of accomplishing an collection device capable of interpreting the graded penchants of persons into coherent social rankings while run intoing a set of minimum conditions necessary for it to stand for a just corporate decision-making mechanism. Such conditions are: ( U ) Unrestricted range: An acceptable vote system should treat any coherent set of single penchants ranking any figure of options. Preferences must be rationally good behaved. hence at least complete and transitive. ( P ) Pareto optimality: The vote system should esteem unanimity: If every person in the group prefers X to Y. the system must so rank X above Y in the corporate ranking. ( I ) Independence from irrelevant options: The corporate penchant between X and Y should depend merely on the individual persons penchants between those options. The debut of irrelevant options into single rankings should non impact the societal 1. ( N ) Non-dictatorship: The vote system should account for the wants of multiple electors: No individual single penchants should order in the group preferences irrespective of those of all other persons. Even if these cardinal conditions appear so diverse and reciprocally unrelated that it’s hard to see how they might conflict. taken together in the theorem they prove to be incompatible. This has been defined as the â€Å"Arrow’s paradox†. The theorem’s cardinal deductions are the necessity of giving at least one of the above premises in order to obtain a rational vote system and that societal pick is capable to a tradeoff between reason and concentration of power. The being of such trade-off airss serious obstructions for the designation of an optimum vote system in existent society elections and has strong effects in public assistance economic sciences and justness theory. There are possible solutions to get away the paradox by accepting to loosen up one or more of the theorem cardinal premises. For illustration. by curtailing the vote pick between merely two options. a coherent group determinations can ever be obtained through bulk vote. In political relations this is normally achieved utilizing different methods among which are the assignment of agenda power to an person. the riddance of defeated options from the ballot and the restriction of voting unit of ammunitions. Persons holding the power of doing such picks can actively act upon the consequences of the elections and have their most preferable result implemented. Another popular attack consists of curtailing the application of the vote system to a specific type of single penchants denoted as â€Å"single-peaked†. characterized by the presence of a most preferable option for each person. Furthermore. in the context of a uni-dimensional policy infinite we can besides use â€Å"Blackâ₠¬â„¢s average elector theorem†to place the Condorcet victor in the social ranking. consisting of the most preferable option of the average elector. .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .postImageUrl , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:hover , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:visited , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:active { border:0!important; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:active , .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122 .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2fb18d768b163ee37136d7f77817a122:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alias Grace: Innocent or Guilty? EssayDespite the being of a figure of instances where it’s possible to compass the paradox. many political jobs present complex and multi-dimensional scenes for which the restrictions of voting systems highlighted by Arrow’s theorem represent a serious obstruction and a presently unresolved issue. In decision. in his work Arrow proposes a set of sensible conditions for specifying a vote regulation capable of bring forthing consistent societal picks within a general public assistance context. Although. his findings demonstrate that any regulation acknowledging absolutism requires it while any other that requires nondictatorship contradicts at least one of the other conditions. In other words. the lone decision-making method that is non flawed is a absolutism. This is often referred to as the â€Å"social pick paradox†. a thesis that seems to sabotage democracy under all effects by turn outing its most basic conditions impossible to coexist. Arrow encourages though. to accept the paradox as a challenge instead than a barrier to democracy. traveling the focal point of election theory from election consequences to the methods used to accomplish them. forcing societies towards the development of ever-increasingly refined instruments for corporate pick. Even if there’s no â€Å"ideal†election system. capable of guaranting the best corporate determination for all members of society. surely some bing 1s are strongly preferred to others for the accomplishment of specific aims and eventually. in any given scene of corporate pick. it is possible to oppugn whether the sensible standards are genuinely moderately applied withinthat peculiar context. Bibliography Arrow K. ( 1951 ) â€Å"Social pick and single values†. Yale University Press Collins N. ( 2003 ) â€Å"Arrow’s Theorem Proves No Voting System Is Perfect†. The Technical school MacKay A. F. ( 1980 ) . â€Å"Arrow’s Theorem: The paradox of societal choice†. Yale University Press Saari D. G. ( 2001 ) . â€Å"Decisions and elections: Expecting the unexpected†. Cambridge University Press Tao T. ( 1991 ) . â€Å"Arrow’s Theorem on voting paradoxes†. University of California Press
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Martin Scorsese Research Paper free essay sample
Since the dawn of filmmaking, directors have used their personal experiences to influence their films. They try to evoke some form of emotion out of the viewer based off of something that they find very familiar to them. Martin Scorsese’s Italian heritage helped to shape his directorial style in films. Martin Scorsese was constantly surrounded by all things Italian. He was born on November 17, 1942 in Corona, Queens, New York (LoBrutto, 11). He lived in Corona, an Italian dominated suburb of New York. His parents decided to move there because they wanted their children to escape â€Å"the constant exposure to life’s realities on the Lower East Side†(LoBrutto, 11). Corona seemed like a little Sicily in New York to Scorsese. Scorsese lived near many of his aunts and uncles, which he enjoyed because he loved having his family around. Some of his family members have made cameos in a few of his films. We will write a custom essay sample on Martin Scorsese Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Scorsese had developed asthma at the age of three. At the time, doctors knew little information about asthma and how to treat it. People in the Italian-American community had the belief that asthma sufferers brought it upon themselves psychologically, and saw people who had it as â€Å"weak, sensitive, and sickly†(LoBrutto, 13). Martin Scorsese’s doctor advised his parents to keep him indoors and to have him avoid anything that would get him too excited. In Vincent LoBrutto’s book Martin Scorsese: A Biography, He quotes that Scorsese’s doctor said â€Å"Keep them quiet and calm. They are emotionally charged, ‘high strung’ and any exposure to extreme situations could trigger an attack. They must be protected from the dangers in the air they breathe and the uncertainties outside of the controlled environment of their home†(LoBrutto, 13). His parents were very reliant on the doctor’s words. Scorsese was stuck inside the walls of his house for most of his childhood, rather than outside playing in his backyard. He felt isolated and under constant watch. Because of his disposition, Scorsese began to develop a growing interest in art and movies (Lipton). Instead of playing sports, Martin would be taken to the movie theatres by his parents or brother. Because of his growing fascination for films, young Scorsese started making his own storyboards, shot by shot illustrations similar to that of a comic strip (Lipton). From that time in his life, he knew he had a passion for cinema. â€Å"Martin Scorsese’s view from his room onto the world of the street was so limited that the height and width of the open window became the aspect ratio for the films he would make, even before he knew he was going to be a filmmaker†(Lobrutto, 25). Today, he sees what a large role his asthma had on putting him in the path that lead to the successful career he has now. Martin Scorsese went to New York University, where he studied film. Some of his early works include Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Who’s That Knocking at My Door? and Mean Streets. Mean Streets, the most critically acclaimed of the three, is considered an autobiographical movie about Scorsese. It recreates life on the streets where Scorsese grew up. This film was about his home, the kinds of people he knew and the music he listened to (Lipton). The movie addresses his life in â€Å"Little Sicily†, New York, and the Roman Catholic religion. Charlie, the main character, seems like a mirror image of Scorsese. Charlie is a very religious person who is content with Little Sicily and all that is in it. He simply wants to get ahead in life and help people like his best friend Johnny Boy, which he believes might act as a sort of penance for the sins he commits in his daily life (Ebert). Scorsese’s exposure to gangsters and priests, and how everybody respected the priests most in the town have had a great influence on the films he creates. His stern belief that priests could attain â€Å"the quickest route to salvation from original and accumulated sins†(Lobrutto, 33), led him to pursue priesthood; but after a failed attempt at giving up movies for Lent, and getting kicked out of a seminary, this aspiration quickly died. His films, however, often address the issue of religion and God, and his protagonists frequently find themselves at the point of â€Å"redemption†. Taxi Driver one of Martin’s biggest early success, displays this struggle between goodness and sin, and is considered Martin’s first big success as a professional director. He considers this film as â€Å"a film that came from the heart†(Scorsese).
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Starbucks HRM Essays
Starbucks HRM Essays Starbucks HRM Paper Starbucks HRM Paper Human resource management function is a very crucial function in any modern organization that seeks to achieve its objectives including the task of ensuring that employees are motivated by use of effective performance appraisal techniques such as reward schemes. Such HRM function is very crucial to Starbucks Corporation in order to motivate its employees. This is because people are the most important asset an organization has as compared to other assets that aid in running the organization. Therefore for accomplishment of organizational effectiveness, performance appraisal is the most important critical factor that must be paid attention to by the management of any business firm wishing to remain competitive as well as remain international in scope; Starbucks Corporation is not exceptional from such an objective. Human resource has the responsibility to coordinate all the activities within the organization and they have to ensure efficiency in productivity of the organization hence firms should maintain a motivated workforce (Bjbrkman and Fey, 2001). This paper is dealing with how Starbucks human resource department can use performance appraisal technique to improve the performance of its staff. The paper is also aimed at equipping managers particularly those from Human Resource department of the corporation to look critically on the best ways of rewarding employees in the organization. Starbucks Corporation and its Current HRM Strategy Starbucks Corporation is a coffee company in Australia which was first opened in July, 2000 in Sydney and at the Central Business District as a subsidiary of the mother company in the United States. Starbuck roasts high quality whole coffee beans and they sell them with other beverages as prepared in the Italian espresso beverages. The coffee drinks are richly brewed to give the customers necessary satisfaction and pleasure. One of the best known drink brands is the bottled Frappuccino ® which is enjoyed throughout the world. In Australia alone, the organization has been able to expand and now has 89 retail outlets in major areas of the nation such as Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Tasmania, Gold Coast, South Australia, and Brisbane. The headquarters for the Starbucks coffee company Australia is at the Frenchs Forest, New South Wales and it serves as the support centre for all the other stores in Australia. The retail stores offer people the finest coffee sourced from coffee farmers across the world in addition to great entertainment, music, good people and excellent customer service. This organization is the only retail international coffee store that has a unique brand that has a global recognition. Most of the customers get access to excellent room tables, comfortable sofas, chairs, bars and other accessories which fit the needs of everyone from the CEO of a company to the secretary of a company (Starbucks Corporations, 2008). This company endeavors to produce economic, social, and environmental benefits as a social responsibility stance for the communities it serves. This organization believes that it is possible to be good and do the best at the same time. Nevertheless, there has been a considerable criticism that Starbucks management has failed to be effective and efficient in its business activities because they have practiced unacceptable managerial activities of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The company has not ensured that the respective managers of respective departments are well equipped with human, technical, and conceptual skills that give them an opportunity to integrate the managerial activities above in order to produce results expected from their departments. The absence of such skills by managers has led to the company performance decreasing in some of its potential markets (John and Keith, 1997). Starbucks Corporation has been criticized for not building a strong human resource relationship with its entire workforce who has failed to enhance the success of corporation. In fact there is speculation that the company does not recruit its employees based on their qualifications and their competence. They have not achieved effectiveness and efficiency because they have not developed their staff through training and have not adopted proper compensation systems that have in turn demoralized the employees in their work. Such employees have not been able to cope with effects of competition and thus they have produced poor results (Starbucks Corporations, 2008). Decisions regarding to employees, operations management have not been constantly revised by the management of the corporation in order to match international standards that will foster success in business environment. For example, employees have not been properly trained to cope with new changes like introduction in technology. However, many companies who deal with sale of drinks have also diversified and fight for market share with Starbuck Corporation, a development which has given the corporation rough time in coming up with viable marketing strategies (Starbucks Corporations, 2008). Human Resource Strategy and its role in Starbucks Human resource management in business terms is the coherent and strategic approach to the management of the working force of an organization. It combines academic, social and business practices in the application of techniques to manage a particular workforce. These practices are designed to go inline with the company’s goals, objectives, vision and mission with specific emphasis on growth and development. Starbucks Corporation needs to attract, maintain and also manage its employees effectively. There is an assumption that employees are just business assets in an organization, but human resource development professionals explain that, these employees have varying goals and needs in life which can be utilized by the organization to meet its targets while assisting the individual persons succeed in their careers (John and Keith, 1997). The following are some of the core functions of human resource management in Starbucks Corporation; workforce planning, recruitment and staffing, promoting industrial relations, personnel development and performance monitoring as well as training, compensation and benefit management. It is considered that the human resource practices used in strategic human resource management in Starbucks Corporation should enhance techniques, systems and polices developed in line with the performance appraisal management of the organization’s tasks. This performance appraisal of Starbucks Corporation is designed promote strategic planning and thinking in all aspects of employee assessment, problem solving and counseling (Maund, 2001). Good knowledge of employee behaviors, performance and needs helps Starbucks Corporation to deal squarely with diversity issues e. g. ulture, religion, race etc. in fact; studies have shown that, certain human resource practices in Starbucks Corporation have contributed both positively and negatively to firm performance through workforce alignment. It is also related to employee outcomes including; trust in management co-operation, higher commitment in workplaces as well as better employee efforts and involvement among other factors (Michael, 2006). Manpower planning within Starbucks Corporation is very critical in that, cases of either overstaffing or understaffing is detrimental in one way or another. The economies of scale for the business together with specialization orders are lost if the organization is understaffed. On the other hand, if overstaffing is sustained, it becomes a waste and also expensive for the organization. These factors are therefore part of the planning process being carried out by human resource development officers in Starbucks Corporation. For instance; they should ensure that the organization’s workforce is certainly enough to meet the general duty requirement Human resource strategy is referred to in a layman’s language as the management of the people who are working in an institution or an organization. This is done because employee performance affects how far or how successful an organization can be. Human resource strategy of Starbucks Corporation also involves the managers clarifying to the employees the organization’s goals and objectives. Studies have shown that, there is a unique relationship between the human resource management practices and techniques for a company and its overall performance (Armstrong, 2006). Starbucks Performance Appraisal and its Business Goals The success of Starbucks Corporation is mainly determined by its human resources and hence there is a need for a motivated workforce. In fact human resource of any firm has to be innovative, energetic, creative and motivated in order to remain focused in scope. Indeed any company including Starbucks Corporation should have guiding principles which help the employees to attain set goals and objectives. Such principles define what each and employee is expected to do thus attain their goals. Starbucks Corporation has such principles and such principles also points out how the company promotes trust, pride, professionalism, trust, teamwork and openness in their undertakings. Such principles however, do not concentrate much more on the issue of performance appraisal such as motivation which is a key factor in organizational success. Therefore this paper will attempt to reveal the importance of a motivated workforce as well as the different methods that can be used to motivate the workforce particularly in Starbucks Corporation (Hoyer, 2001). Research indicates that skills, knowledge and experience represent capital due to the reason that they enhance productivity. Companies invest in skills training and development to be competitive, but the failure to manage the person trained could be considered a great setback. Employee retention is basically essential in grasping a complete return on investment. Based on the human capital theory, it is imperative that companies invest in skills training and development, but they should also align the performance appraisal such as compensations and benefits of the person with his or her achievements. Research reveals that in many modern business organizations there is obviously a lack in recognizing the achievements of skilled employees. Without recognition and growth, there is no reason for the employee to carry on his good performance, or worse, to continue his service to the organization (Bjbrkman and Fey, 2001). Motivation can be assumed as the reason or the force behind why a person does what he or she does. Sometimes, it is also a means to make the person perform better and more efficient. Basically there are three assumptions in human motivation as established in research. The first one assumes that motivation is inferred from a systematic analysis of how personal, task and environmental characteristics influence behavior and job performance. The next one infers that motivation is not a fixed trait; but rather it refers to a dynamic internal state resulting from the influence of personal and situational factors. This means that motivation as one technique of performance appraisal may change with changes in personal, social or other factors. Finally, it should further be noted that motivation affects behavior which in turn will lead to poor performance by the employees (Buck, Filatotchev and Wright, 2003). As social beings, basic human interaction and communication are considered as relevant needs that should be attended to in the working environment. The rational and emotional aspects of a person enable one to be participatory and reflective on certain aspects of the operations in the organization. Social interactions are necessary so as to provide for the social needs of an individual. Since people are more than a resource of an organization, their active and contemplative nature will always be open and shown. Aside from the primary needs for existence, social interaction in the form of companionship helps in shaping the character of a person as a quality individual that is capable of doing complex things and acting complicatedly Performance Appraisal Management in Starbucks Corporation Research reveals that employee motivation is the key to the profitability and competitive success of Starbuck Corporation in the current business world i. e. particularly in the hotel industry. Research has shown that Starbuck Corporation dose not pay well its employees and thus they do not carry out their jobs well and in return the company’s performance has been negatively affected. In Starbucks Corporation; for instance, the employer-employee relations are considered not very important thus that the corporation failing to realize its mission effectively. In fact, it has been researched and found out that well paid employees of Starbucks Corporation have translated to satisfied customers i. e. with motivated workforce they do their tasks well thus retaining and attracting more customers. Hence, with improper policies and administrative skills utilized by Starbucks Corporation, managers have indeed created failed to create a satisfied workforce through such an appraisal performance technique. Starbucks Corporation employee performance appraisal technique has taken different forms that include the following: The first factor is of job security which is the primary driving force an employee Centres on while working; it is the ability to retain the job for as many years as possible (Hoyer, 2001). Personal organization and family budget go in line with job security concerns. When an employee is confident of his or her job security at the workplace, his performance is far much better than a case where he or she is not sure of being retained in the next year because he is motivated to work. With job security, some Starbucks employees have failed to know whether at the end of month he/she will be paid thus becoming demoralized to work. This implies that much time is wasted because employees are not okay and thus have do not have enough time to work for the company since they work as they think of quitting the corporation at one time The other factor that is suppose to enhance success in Starbuck is that of pay satisfaction; research indicates that people don’t work unless they receive pay for work done as a motivator which is therefore the key to employee satisfaction. Although employees are paid better than other employees of other organizations, Starbucks Managers normally do not use financial rewards to improve their worker’s performance. Good salaries equally translate to better work. Every worker would want to continue working for an organization which pays him or her well which has not been the case in Starbucks Corporation (Bjbrkman and Fey, 2001). Therefore Starbucks Corporation has not saved time since the management has to spend time of hiring new employees every time because the current employees are not secure and they have reason to look for other opportunities Another source of motivation is that of using rewards and gifts in order to inspire employees in Starbucks Corporation. Research indicates that rewards used by the corporation have been only very big inducements but the small gifts given to anybody have been ignored by the management thus its employees eventually don’t feel appreciated. For example a handwritten thank you note which can be utilized in Starbucks Corporation is normally appreciated and cherished (Foster and Harris, 2005). Everybody loves chocolate, and provision of such kind of rewards especially at the weekends and special days like Christmas and Valentine days, should help to build positive relationships between the Starbucks Corporation management and the employees. Research indicates that gift certificates such as birthday wishes are a morale booster to self-confidence of the employees. Starbucks Corporation has failed to offer sufficient logo merchandizes; for instance, in form of t-shirts, caps, mugs, pens, jackets and computer mouse pads thus not boosting the morale of the employees because they are not proud to be associated with Starbucks failure. In addition, Starbucks Corporation has not been utilizing motivational posters which are supposed to be strategically drafted for individual recognition for job well done. In most cases, people would want to know if their work has made some difference and therefore provision of such rewards by Starbucks Corporation should encourage them thus motivating the employees. Another way of appraising employees that Starbucks Corporation have not utilized fully is that of praising them; for instance if they have fulfilled their undersigned tasks effectively. The firms’ management has not strategized well since they even don’t keep the records of the performance of employees. Any employee who shows commendable improvement are not praised in the organizational weekly, monthly and also the annual meetings. Through this employees have not been motivated since they believe that they are not recognized by the organization and thus not improving their performance. However, this should not just be carried out in the formal meetings only, but managers should make time to meet with individual employees who are reported to have been performing better and praise them for the good work (Harzing and Ruysseveldt, 2004). Recommendations The main aspects of human resource strategy in Starbucks Corporation should incorporate the following areas; employee motivation and retention strategies, employee selection strategies and employee management strategies which in general encompass performance appraisal measures. This strategy if implemented simultaneously in Starbucks Corporation will create a family-like community and environment in the organization. From this study we can conclude that performance appraisal is a key factor to success of any organization including Starbucks Corporation. It should be noted that as a manager, your impact on employee satisfaction is great and immeasurable; therefore the management of Starbucks Corporation should look for convenient, cost-conscious and appreciated ways of performance appraisal such as excellent motivation structures in order to build a motivated, dynamic and committed workforce that will result in better productivity and profitability of the corporation. The most critical factor that results to poor management of many organizations including Starbucks Corporation is that of the inability of senior managers to provide necessary support for the accomplishment of organizations goals through utilization of effective performance appraisal techniques. It is substantiated that the behavior of many senior managers of Starbucks Corporation has contributed immensely to poor success of the organization. This is explicitly witnessed in the performance appraisal process. Senior managers have adopted behavior of self centeredness and they always think that they are the only one who makes viable decisions in relation to goals being attained hence resulting to low morale by existing workforce (Maund, 2001). This has resulted to lower level managers and employees not to perform quality work because they are always not motivated when carrying out their respective duties. The overall management of Starbucks Corporation should not that no matter how well the organization’s values and culture is drafted it requires the will of senior managers to maintain such performance appraisal values and cultures within the organization. The senior managers can change the attitude of their employees if only they can lead by example which will lead to good motivation and thus successful attainment of set objectives. Human resource is the most vital asset in Starbucks Corporation and senior managers have to concentrate their management efforts in their staff development in order to boost their morale and thus increase in productivity. Employees’ satisfaction strategies should be formulated in Starbucks Corporation in order to ensure smooth running of the corporation. It is the key to the economic success of Starbucks Corporation. Research has shown that a satisfied employee does his job well and in return the company’s performance is greatly improved (Hoyer, 2001). The HR department of Starbucks Corporation should formulate corporate and HR strategies that incorporate performance appraisal analysis and clarification of the corporation mission statement. The department should also offer guidelines to the rest of the management when considering how business should develop and in what direction it should be directed to. In this line the HR department should clearly ensure that the strategies developed in the organization should be the ones that direct efforts towards accomplishing the Starbucks Corporation basic mission or purpose (Armstrong, 2006). In order to enhance the activities of Starbucks Corporation, the HR department should redesign the HR department in order to remain competitive in the market place and to respond to any changes in the market place; Also strategic objectives that encompass performance appraisal measures of the organization should be formulated; this implies that the HR department should turn the mission statement in to supporting objectives for each level of management in the corporation. The objectives formulated should be directed to key result areas in the corporation where performance is necessary for business survival. The corporation key result areas that should be considered include; marketing, finance, production, human resources, physical resources, social responsibility, and profit requirement (Thomson and Rampton, 2003). Conclusion From Starbucks Corporation case analysis we can therefore deduce that, ensuring employee performance requires establishing a level of competence which the employee should be aware of as a target to be achieved. This is the measure that should be used by Starbucks Corporation managers in determining compliance with the standards and in identifying problems met by the employees in meeting such standards. For instance; in developing a performance appraisal technique such as efficient motivation structure to enhance the productivity of employees the manager will look at the competency problems of the employees and fashion the program to enable the employees to reach and even exceed the competency standard established for their work. This requires a great amount of perceptiveness on the part of the manager in determining what method of appraising will be most effective in improving employee competence (Thomson and Rampton, 2003). A considerable number of companies including Starbucks Corporation have developed into an essential part of the period of global competition, increasing development, improved business paradigms, and corporate re-organization. The continuing transformation from the traditional industrial framework with its hierarchical companies to a worldwide, knowledge-founded financial system and intelligent corporations, altering ideas regarding the social contract involving employers and employees, an progressively more adaptable pool of talent and a body of workforce, necessitates human resource (HR) strategies to realign and relocate itself in the vicinity of these drivers.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Clean out of spondulicks!
Clean out of spondulicks! Clean out of spondulicks! Clean out of spondulicks! By Maeve Maddox While looking up something else, I came across the slang word spondulicks, meaning money. It has a U.S. origin, but I dont recall having ever noticed it before. Its in the OED: spondulicks: n. slang. orig. U.S. [Of fanciful formation.] Money, cash. Also, a piece of money, a coin. 1857 in R. H. Thornton Amer. Gloss. (1912), He lost..All the brass and all the needful, All the spondulix and buttons. Spondulicks may derive from Greek spondylikos, vertebra, which derives from spondylos, a seashell once used as currency. Another spelling is spondulix. The word is still in use among speakers of British English in England, Australia, and elsewhere, but it has pretty much been forgotten in its land of origin. According to Michael Quinion at Worldwidewords, one of its earliest appearances was in a piece about college life in the New York magazine Vanity Fair in 1860, and it may have originated as college slang. The vertebra sense of spondylo may have something to do with the coinage of spondulicks in the sense of money. Blogger Doug Wilson found a reference to spondulics in an 1867 book, A Manual of the Art of Prose Composition for the Use of Colleges and Schools, by John Mitchell Bonnell. Included in a list of provincialisms was: â€Å"Spondulics - coin piled for counting.†Anyone who has ever played with a stack of coins will see its resemblance to the vertebrae in a bending backbone. Its easy to see how a humorous medical student might show off his learning by coming up with the word. spondylo comb. form of Latin spondyl-us, vertebra, occurring in a few modern terms, chiefly Path. in the sense ‘of or pertaining to, connected with, the spine’, as spondylocace, -dynia, -pyosis, -tomy. spondylitis: n. Inflammation of the vertebral column. On the other hand, a coin dealer who has named his business The Elusive Spondulix says the word spondulix entered the American vocabulary in 1800, thanks to an exhibit of African and West Indies Cowry-shell money at the Philadelphia Mint. Whatever its origins, the word is still being used. Here are some examples from the web: Clicks, Bricks, and Spondulicks (title of a summary of proceedings of a conference held in Australia in 2003) So. Is there anyone out there with the spondulicks? (someone trying to raise money) Payday Loans Get You Spondulicks†¦ Online Pharmacies Entrust You To Spend Less Spondulicks On Medication Get yourself another tasty helping, as long as you are in possession of the requisite spondulicks. The Ground Beneath Her Feet (2000), Salman Rushdie,. Listen! You told the nipper that if he came up with two thousand quid youd give him the place. Supposing I come up with the spondulicks first, wont I be entitled to it then? The Dowry: A Novel of Ireland (2007), Walter Keady. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterAbstract Nouns from Adjectives25 Favorite Portmanteau Words
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Trobriander Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Trobriander Culture - Essay Example The yam is the very object that can give a man political and economic power, however it is the one thing he can not grow for himself. This fact is the basis for the way the Trobriander culture functions. To understand the importance f the yam in the Trobriander culture, one must understand who grows and distributes the yams. It all starts with the preparation f the land. Due to the poor soil in the area, the Trobrianders use 'slash and burn' or 'swidden' cultivation to enrich the soil with minerals. Although married couples work together to prepare the yam fields, growing yams is primarily the man's job. The man uses young people to help him in his yam garden. He will later pay them with yams he receives. They may use this to buy things from the trading store or to buy secrets about the land and how it came into possession by the owners. Although it is the man that labors rigorously to grow the yams, they are never really his to use. The yams are grown for a single woman, usually his sister; therefore the garden is named after her. Although the yams are grown for a mans sister, it is her husband that will use the yams for political maneuvering. The yams, after staying on display at the gardens for about a month, are taken directly to the woman's husband's yam house. The only one that can use the yams while they are still at the garden is the gardens namesake, and this is only under a dire emergency such as a death in the family. The amount f yams a man gives to his sister is a direct, and publicly viewed, reflection f the relationship between the woman's husband and the grower. An abundance f yams can be given if the grower sees his brother-in-law as a hard worker, or good provider for his sister. This exchange is beneficial to the man giving the yams to a hard working man because he has repayment f woman's wealth coming back to him. The grower may also give an abundance f yams to a woman whose husband is seen as a political force to be allied with. It is the obligation f the receiver f the yams to return the generosity for the gift f yams by giving him cooked yams, taro, and pieces f pork if available. The distribution f the yams is designed to encourage good social relationships between neighbors and family. It is also highly dependent on hard work. No one will wish to give yams to a man that has nothing to give back in return because he is lazy. Having a yam house is a good indication f someone with political prowess. A man can not build his own yam house. The yam house can only be built by a man's in-laws, and this will only happen after the man proves his worthiness through years f hard work. A yam house is like a summer house in that it is possessed only by well established men. A man is bound to his wife's family because he depends on them to give him yams and also to build his yam house when he is ready for it. Weinder writes, 'A man can develop political power only if he has strong support from his wife's relatives, and this support is primarily demonstrated through yam production' (92). The woman's family is also reliant on her husband for yams in the event f death in the family. Therefore, there is a working relationship that requires an equal effort on both sides to be productive. Yams should be viewed more as a currency with symbolic value that can be used as a food. The main purpose f the yam is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
AN ENQUiry into The Efficiency of Celebrity Endorsement As A Marketing Essay
AN ENQUiry into The Efficiency of Celebrity Endorsement As A Marketing Communication Strategy In Modern Day Society - Essay Example It entails the collection of data, store and analyze it and finally present it in a logical format to enable the readers to understand the outcome of the study. The main purpose and reason behind the choice of this topic i.e. the study of impact of celebrity endorsements as a strategic marketing activity, was the popularity of the concept – i.e. involvement of celebrities for endorsing products / brands, or services. Thus, I wanted to explore the influence of such a promotional marketing strategy, in influencing the consumers in making their purchase decision; and to assess whether the consumers are really motivated to buy a product if it is endorsed by their favourite celebrity. Furthermore, I was interested in exploring and testing the relationship between celebrities, marketing communications and consumers. As a result, I decided to design this study to include the hypothesis discussed above, and to examine whether the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumers is positiv e or negative. The study also entailed a detailed investigation of the manner in which celebrities influence the purchase decision, what inspires / motivates the consumers to purchase the product etc. Celebrity endorsement has become a popular trend amongst organisations in recent times and some crucial questions have been raised to which this research aims to find answers to some of which some questions are: Does it affect the buying behaviour of the target market? Does celebrity endorsement have any impact on the sales of the product? Should it even be the main channel of brand communications? What are the criteria for choosing endorsers? What is the relationship between the images of the celebrity and that of the brand? Does the personality of the celebrity affect consumers’ perception in any way? If yes, how do the marketers manipulate the same in their favor? For the reasons stated above, a focused group was utilized for the primary research, where respondents were asked a series of unstructured of questions. Also, various print and television adverts were studied for the purpose of this study, and my own observations were also included in the form of findings. Research questions The questions I shall be seeking to explore for this research were structured through the process of literature review. The research questions for this study are: Dose the personality of an endorser alter perception of meaning by the consumer What is the role of celebrity endorsement in consumer decision making process Do consumers really believe celebrities endorse product for just the money making process Research method As my main purpose behind this study was to present a comprehensive view of the entire concept of celebrity endorsement, its emergence and popularity, reason behind its relevance and significance as a most favored promotional activity by the marketers, and most importantly the influence of celebrities on the consumers; I decided to communicate and intera ct with a small section of consumers to seek desired answers. I conducted interviews on a select focus group, studied various print and television advertisements and derived meaningful conclusions based on the literature review to form a basis for my findings. Focus groups are like group interviews that involve several participants (including the moderator) who are asked questions on a pre-structured pre-defined topic. Such a method relies heavily on the answers and responses given by the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
English Essay †Speeches Essay Example for Free
English Essay – Speeches Essay Question: there are as many different ways of interpreting and valuing texts, as there are readers. Of the countless speeches recorded throughout time a select few have transcended their original contexts and political battles to retain relevance today. We have viewed their progress over time as their outspoken ideas and reception withstanding relevance within our changing society regardless of altering values. Aung San Suu Kyi, Emma Goldman and Dr. Martin Luther King’s empowering speeches have spanned across decades, united in their aim to draw attention to a lack of freedom, justice and democratic rights and are unique in urging others to support their fight for disadvantaged social groups. In Aung San Suu Kyi’s â€Å"Keynote address at the Beijing World Conference on Women†in China 1995, she speaks with deep conviction regarding the lack of freedom that women suffer. So too does Emma Goldman when in 1917 she delivered â€Å"The political criminal of today must needs be the saint of the new age†to a jury consisting entirely of men. The discrimination that these two women discuss exemplifies women across the world, continuously being persecuted for their gender. Suu Kyi did not make use of rhetoric in her speech but instead chose to develop a sense of intimacy and appealed to her audience’s intellect through a close up video recording. Her tone and stoical approach invites her listeners to adopt new perspectives and to include women in the political process as â€Å"no war was ever started by women†. Her campaign continues with an age-old proverb of her culture that â€Å"the dawn rises only when the rooster crows†metaphorically depicting how women are subserviently treated today by the â€Å"rooster†. The proverb needs to change as it is because the dawn appears that the rooster crows. Goldman too addresses the issue of discrimination by analysing the way women are treated by power wielding men, more specifically in the legal and political system. During her defence against claims of conspiracy she defends her anarchist position and utilises sarcasm and truncated sentences to ridicule the jury when she repeatedly declares that she is facing â€Å"Gentlemen of the jury†and only gentlemen. The anaphora illustrates her contempt that there are no females present in the jury, that these men are supposed to be honest gentlemen, an oxymoron in her eyes, and so should treat her the same way they would treat others in the same position. A personal interpretation examines men’s hold on power in society but times have changed and society must reject traditions that no longer reflect the truth. Suu Kyi’s speech comes at a time when China is stepping out of the shadows and recognising women as their own entities when it once saw them as 2nd class. Its reception today would not have altered since she spoke but there are more people supporting her cause and helping to fight for the freedom of women. There is global understanding that throughout history we are met with the same boundaries and are eternally urged to fight for equality and justice. These boundaries were met when Dr Martin Luther King challenged the widespread attitudes of society by calling on his fellow American’s by offering â€Å"a new leaf†and justice to all, no matter what race or colour. Culture in the southern states was heavily segregated in 1963 and racial division was enshrined in southern custom and law. King delivered his speech when it was needed most, however Emma Goldman delivered â€Å"The political criminal of today†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ahead of her time as the mere idea of freedom of speech was considered scandalous. With two separate causes represented by great speakers; Negro’s and free speech, both composers attempted to win their audiences support for their cause. King delivered â€Å"I have a dream†to a crowd of 250,000 followers and millions watching on television and used rhetoric gained from his preaching days coupled with the use of many anaphora’s to effectively to inflict fear upon his audience. His appeal to their emotions instilled that â€Å"it would be fatal†¦to overlook†¦the movement†and unless something is done about racial injustice, life is worthless. Emma Goldman’s clever use of rhetoric defies tradition and unlike King’s use of emotion she alienated her audience by stirring negative opinions and called upon her intellect to win her battle. In 1917 when Goldman plead to the jury she sought justice in her defence against claims of conspiracy. Urging the court to form an unbiased opinion and recognise her fight for freedom of speech she alludes to her fellow so called anarchists â€Å"Jesus, Socrates, Galileo, Bruno, John Brown†to prove she is not wrong and that nothing willà ‚ make her change her position. King was greeted with an euphoric and peaceful reception as he was seen as a freedom fighter and today in our contemporary world the significance of his speech remains evident. By appealing to both audiences’ intellect regarding injustice, King and Goldman aimed to persuade their respective audiences of the right path to choose. When King bellows out that the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination, his metaphoric emotive language heightens his passion for freedom for his people from more than slavery. Similarly to King, Goldman fights for justice and through a series of rhetorical questions she asks the jury a final time to â€Å"please forget that I am an Anarchist†¦Have we been engaged in a conspiracy? Have these overt acts been proven?†She asks for a fair trial and to not be disadvantaged because of society’s values – she only wishes for justice to prevail. Sadly the jury found her guilty but her works reception reaches a higher extent today as we can appreciate her effort in changing society’s perception of free speech. While injustice was inflicted upon three social groups, Aung San Suu Kyi, Emma Goldman and Dr. Martin Luther King stood up and were three speakers who managed to defy old-fashioned social and political beliefs of their time to be recognised in our contemporary society. When delivering their speeches they gained the attention and support of a crowd through their stage presence, use of rhetoric and particularly political contextual values that aim to achieve this. In order to be recognised they needed to give their audience a purpose and through earnest ideas of freedom, justice and democratic rights their reception has not altered from when they were delivered to now as we are continually fighting for such causes.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Deceptive First Impressions in Morrisons Jazz Essay -- Toni Morrison
Deceptive First Impressions in Morrison's Jazz       The novel Jazz by Toni Morrison is an extremely well written account of black life during the mid 1850's to the late 1920's. Morrison manipulates the three main character's personas while analyzing their lives to show the effect that a person's history has on their present day life. The most interesting thing I found concerning this novel has the way in which Toni Morrison was able to present you with a first impression of the characters, then proceed through history, to give you a new conception of their character. This is seen through three important individuals: Violet, Joe, and Dorcas. At the beginning, Violet is depicted as crazy and foolish, but through the interpretation of her history, a clearer picture of a woman in love is presented. At first, Joe is seen as a man without standards who is simply a cheating husband who kills his girlfriend, but this also is abolished when the extenuating circumstances of his history are described. Dorcas plays the r ole of the piteous,innocent woman who is stuck in the middle of this crisis at the beginning, but is relieved of this generalized characterization through her actions towards Joe and her search for self-satisfaction. Even though the history that is recounted in this novel is more gossip than fact, it presents a more accurate story than the one depicted in the â€Å"offical story†located at the beginning of the novel. Toni Morrison attempts, through these three characters to illustrate how the narrator's perception of each character's history can alter the reader's understanding of a character's actions. Through this technique, she is able to demonstrate that circumstances andevents are not always as simple or truthful ... ...th explanations for certain behavior and prohibits the reader from jumping to unsound conclusions. Through knowing their personal history the reader's perception of the three characters is distinctly changed: Violet is no longer seen as crazy; Joe is not seen as the cold-hearted, adulterous murderer anymore; and Dorcas transforms from an innocent young girl to a more callous, immature, child solely concerned with self-satisfaction and a longing for belonging. Although the chronological style Toni Morrison uses is not unique, the reader finds it very useful for it allows them to experience the events as though they were being remembered by the characters. Through the characters in this novel, Toni Morrison is able to teach the reader a familiar lesson about life: not to judge a book by its cover. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Jazz. New York: Plume, 1992.
Monday, November 11, 2019
What Are Obama’s Possible Solutions to This Economic Crisis We Are Going Through and How Long to Until This Goal Is Achieved?
Barack Obama â€Å"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. †These are some words from President-Elect Barack Obama talking about that Americans have the power to the change they have been longing for in their government. Barack Obama was born in August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama attended Occidental College in Los Angeles from 1979 to 1981 before transferring to Columbia University and graduating with a bachelor’s degree in political science. He also received a degree from Harvard Law School in 1991. In February 2007 he announced that he would be running for president and 18 months later he became the Democratic presidential nominee. At the end of Election Day, Obama won a decisive victory over McCain with 365 electoral votes to McCain’s 162. Obama marks a change in America’s conventional trend of white American presidents and is the leader in Americas 4 year journey for change. He has a long road full of challenging issues to overcome. One very important issue to the majority of Americans is â€Å"What are Obama’s possible solutions to this economic crisis we are going through and how long to until this goal is achieved†To answer this question I researched Obama’s economic policies to improve this crisis as President and they include jumpstarting the economy, providing the middle class with tax reliefs, and improving conditions for small businesses. One of Barack Obama’s first polices to improve the economy will be to jumpstart the economy in two ways. One will be to â€Å"enact a windfall profits tax to provide a $1000 emergency energy rebate to American families. †(barackobama. com), taken directly from Obama’s website on his economic policies. This would be good because it can help families pay some money in their rising bills and reduce some of it. Secondly Obama is going to provide a â€Å"$50 billion of stimulus to jumpstart job creation and help local communities that are struggling due to our economic downturn. †(Video of Obama’s economic â€Å"Blue Print†) This is a primary source coming straight from the source. On his website it states that $25 billion is to prevent state and local cuts and the other $25 billion to prevent cutbacks in road and bridge maintenance and fund school repair. This can help less fortunate communities with local problems to jumpstart their economic problems and improve repairs on important buildings in the neighborhood. In addition, he wants to provide middle class Americans tax relief because the majority of America consists of middle class necessary to stabilize it. He proposes that â€Å"If you make 250,000 or less we will not raise your taxes, we will cut your taxes; in fact my plan provides 3 times the amount of tax relief to middle class families than John McCain’s†¦ †(Video of Obama’s economic â€Å"Blue Print†) He also says â€Å"I will cut taxes – cut taxes – for 95% of all working families†(Speech confronting the economic crisis in Golden, Co) Also on his website â€Å"they will create a new â€Å"Making Work Pay†tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family†. The â€Å"Making Work Pay†tax credit will also eliminate income tax for 10 million Americans. Moreover, Obama will eliminate income taxes completely for seniors making less than $50,000. It will eliminate income tax for about 7 million seniors and save them an average of $1400 a year (http://www. barackobama. com/issues/economy). Some 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return. Furthermore Obama said â€Å"To help low- and middle-income families, I will ease the burden on struggling homeowners through a universal homeowner's tax credit. (Speech confronting the economic crisis in Golden, Co) He continues to explain that it will â€Å"add up to a 10 percent break off the mortgage interest rate for 10 million households†. This will add another $500 each year for many families. Likewise, Obama supports and wants to improve the conditions of small businesses because they are the base to this economy. Barack Obama is choosing his economic experts to advis e him â€Å"on ways to create jobs and bring stability to the ailing financial system†(Fouhy and Espo). Fouhy and Espo are Associated Press writers therefore are reliable because they write without any bias. To do this Obama wishes to eliminate all capita per gain taxes on start-up companies to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama emphasizes the importance of investing â€Å"$15 billion a year in new green technologies that can create up to 5 million jobs a year†(Video of Obama’s economic â€Å"Blue Print†) Obama continues saying that we must rebuild the economy with clean energy that will open new job opportunities to young people and that we are going to create the new cars of the future â€Å"right here in America†. In addition, he proposes to create a national network of public-private business incubators to support entrepreneurship and spur job growth. These incubators â€Å"facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies. †In Obama’s plan, he will invest in $250 million a year in the amount of incubators for less fortunate communities who need it the most. Basically, Obama wants to repair the base of America’s economy by jumpstarting it, providing tax relief to the middle class, and improving conditions for small businesses. It is hard to remember a time when America’s economy was prosperous and stable. Many countries have never even seen a time in history when their own nation was a leading competitor in the world’s economy. With Obama’s economic plans for America, that time is near and getting closer every day. At time when this great nation we know as America will strive economically and will lead the world into a world of equality and peace. â€Å"At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future. Let us keep that promise, that American promise, and in the words of scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess. †Word Count:1002
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Not-For-Profit Medical Research Center Essay
The sole aim of this report is for marketing and promotional purposes of the Not-for-Profit medical research center. There is an increasing interest in the reporting of Not-for-profit organizations However, annual reports are part of an overall strategy to communicate with stakeholders, to donors and users, and can help foster public trust and build community and government support. It also helps build organization reputation, and can be a key means of reaching new donors, partners, volunteers and sponsors. ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSE The Not-for-Profit medical research center is an organization engage on research, on diseases regarding aging. The Organization relies on raised funds from varying sources, including public, individual and the federal government. USERS OF OUR REPORT/STAKEHOLDER The users of our Report range from the stakeholders, to past donors including future donors. MISSION/VISION Our vision is a world free from aging diseases. We research into diseases related to aging. The Not-for-Profit medical research center is committed to produce a shorter, simpler and easy to read report that can be used for marketing and promotional purposes, to have it mailed to the stakeholders, past donors and high potential future donors. This is our vision and mission for our future outlook. STRATEGY Not-for-profit medical research center continuously collect data from patients, parents etc. And identify issues and make adjustments to our methods based on user/stakeholders demand. 1 Our strategy is aimed at determining long term goals and objectives which will strengthen our relationship with stakeholders, encourage our past and future donors and subsequently improve our organization. We have identified stakeholder needs and we have set certain machineries and strategies in place to achieve optimum satisfaction. We work closely with stakeholders and staffs to create the strategic plan that define our vision. We will continue to find new ways to obtain acceptable results on aging diseases and guarantee users satisfaction. The communication strategy we developed and implemented have been of benefit to our users, stakeholders and donors. We will expand our effort to improve our objectives. Due to our obvious progress, individuals, public and government have been very reliant on funding and support. GOALS AND PERFORMANCE Our goals and performance range from successful research regarding aging diseases to our stakeholder’s satisfaction in past years. We have been funded by the general public, individuals, groups and government. And donations to our organization are without seizing, and we have effectively utilized the funds and donations to develop and improve on our research efforts. RISK OPPORTUNITIES Despite our fiscal strength, insufficient funding remains a primary area of concern to our organization. The Executive board of the Not-for-profit medical research center is very much aware of the high risk and potential impact on our organization if there are no increase in funding and donations from individuals, public and/or from government. So funding remains one of our top most priorities for continuous operation. FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT Our patients and parents have testified how our products have impacted their lives. Through this means and outcome monitoring, we have identified critical elements to ensure success and stakeholders satisfaction. The Not-For-Profit medical research center financial outcomes are higher than average and our outcome measures, matched our goals for the year. 2 FUND RAISING METHODS AND OUTCOME The Not-For-Profit medical research center continues to experience strong and increase funding through generous donations. We raise funds that are used to run our programs and operations and our outcomes are measured far above average. OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE We will continue to provide solutions to aging diseases through our research and products and thus, improve our methods and performance. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP Our staffs consist of Grace, a marketing specialist, Levi a writer/editor, Lakysha, a staff assistant and her husband who is a photographer. And we have Alexis as director of external affairs, and also the stakeholders. GOVERNANCE The Not-for-Profit medical research center board of directors are ultimately responsible for governance, management and operations of the organization. The Board members bring personal experience to the table and are deeply committed to the aims and objectives of the organization. The Principal Director of the board is accountable both to the staffs and the Not-for -Profit medical research center and our product users. Activities, services and programs are executed by our staffs and volunteers, while administrative responsibilities are delegated to the executive directors. The identification and management of risk is also taken care of by the board. CONCLUSSION Our organization is a Not-for-Profit organization, and our research has been on aging diseases and the research center is reliant on funding and donations. Our annual Report possesses new and improved features with intent to show the benefit of the research center and impact on People’s lives. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge the support of stakeholders to the success of our programs, our past donors, patients and parents who are fans and users of our product and we are grateful to our team of experts/staffs who applied all necessary skills to achieve our great success. Our board of Directors are not left short of sincere gratitude and appreciation. REFERENCE Successful project management Gido & Clement 5th edition (Page 130-131) 4
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Models of Abnormality Essays
Models of Abnormality Essays Models of Abnormality Essay Models of Abnormality Essay Axia College Material Appendix C Models of Abnormality Psychologists use several different models to explain abnormal behavior. These different models have created shifts in values and beliefs as well as improvements in clinical research. These differences in ideas mean that the different models are sometimes in conflict with one another. People who follow one model often point out where another model fails in its interpretations, investigations, and treatment methods. Read the brief profile of Willard and follow the directions to complete the chart: Willard is an angry man. He often gets his way by bullying and berating others. The following is a list of proposed causes for Willards behavior. Each cause was presented by a psychologist with a different theoretical perspective. Match the psychologist to the cause he or she is likely to present and to the treatment he or she is most likely to recommend. Psychologists: Dr. Smith, Biologist Dr. Mullen, Psychoanalyst Dr. James, Behaviorist Dr. Allen, Cognitivist Dr. Bates, Humanist Dr. Frank, Socioculturist Treatments:Medication Community treatment Client-centered therapy Challenging dysfunctional thoughts Operant conditioning Free association and catharsis |Proposed Cause |Psychologist |Treatment | |Willard has been rewarded for his bullying |Dr. James, Dehaviorist |Operant conditioning | |behavior. | | |Willard is genetically predisposed to |Dr. Smith, Biologist |Medication | |bullying others. | | | |Willards toilet training was harsh. |Dr. Mullen, Psychoanalyst |Free association and catharsis | |Willard is influenced by the commonly held |Dr. Bates, Humanist |Client-centered therapy | |view that men must be aggressive in order | | | |to succeed. | | | |Willard assumes that if he does not assert |Dr. Allen, Cognitivist |Challenging dysfunctional thoughts | |himself first, he will appear to be a | | | |failure to others. | | |Willard has a low sense of self-worth, |Dr. Frank, Socioculturist |Community treatment | |probably stemming from conditional love in | | | |childhood. | | |
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Magnetic Reversal of the Earths Poles
Magnetic Reversal of the Earth's Poles In the 1950s, ocean-going research vessels recorded puzzling data based on the magnetism of the ocean floor. It was determined that the rock of the ocean floor had bands of embedded iron oxides that alternately pointed toward geographic north and geographic south. This was not the first time such confusing evidence had been found. In the early 20th century, geologists had found some volcanic rock was magnetized in a manner opposite to what was expected. But it was the extensive 1950s data that prompted a widespread investigation, and by 1963 a theory of the reversal of the earths magnetic field was proposed. It has been a fundamental of earth science ever since. How the Earths Magnetic Field Is Created The earths magnetism is thought to be created by slow movements in the liquid outer core of the planet, which consists largely of iron, caused by the rotation of the earth. Much the way the rotation of a generator coil creates a magnetic field, the rotation of the liquid outer core of the earth generates a weak electromagnetic field. This magnetic field extends out into space and serves to deflect solar wind from the sun. The generation of the earths magnetic field is a continuous but variable process. There is a frequent change in the intensity of the magnetic field, and the precise location of the magnetic poles can drift. True magnetic north does not always correspond to the geographic North Pole. It also can cause the complete reversal of the earths entire magnetic field polarity. How We Can Measure Magnetic Field Changes Liquid lava, which hardens into rock, contains grains of iron oxides that react to the earths magnetic field by pointing toward the magnetic pole as the rock solidifies. Thus, these grains are permanent records of the location of the earths magnetic field at the time the rock forms. As new crust is created on the ocean floor, the new crust solidifies with its iron oxide particles acting like miniature compass needles, pointing to wherever magnetic north is at the time. Scientists studying the lava samples from the bottom of the ocean could see that the iron oxide particles were pointing in unexpected directions, but to understand what this meant, they needed to know when the rocks formed, and where they were located at the time they solidified out of liquid lava. The method of dating rock through radiometric analysis has been available since the early 20th century, so it was an easy enough matter to find the age of the rock samples found on the ocean floor. However, it was also known that the ocean floor moves and spreads over time, and it was not until 1963 that rock aging information was combined with information about how the ocean floor spreads to produce a definitive understanding of where those iron oxide particles were pointing at the time the lava solidified into rock. Extensive analysis now shows that the earths magnetic field has reversed about 170 times over the last 100 million years. Scientists continue to evaluate data, and there is much disagreement over how long these periods of magnetic polarity last and whether the reversals happen at predictable intervals or are irregular and unexpected. What are the Causes and Effects? Scientists do not really know what causes the reversals of the magnetic field, although they have duplicated the phenomenon in laboratory experiments with molten metals, which also will spontaneously change the direction of their magnetic fields. Some theorists believe that magnetic field reversals may be caused by tangible events, such as tectonic plate collisions or impacts from large meteors or asteroids, but this theory is discounted by others. It is known that leading up to a magnetic reversal, the strength of the field declines, and since the strength of our current magnetic field is now in steady decline, some scientists believe we will see another magnetic reversal in about 2,000 years. If, as some scientists suggest, there is a period during which there is no magnetic field at all before the reversal occurs, the effect on the planet is not well understood. Some theorists suggest that having no magnetic field will open the earths surface to dangerous solar radiation that potentially might lead to global extinction of life. However, there is currently no statistical correlation that can be pointed to in the fossil record to verify this. The last reversal occurred about 780,000 years ago, and there is no evidence to show that there were mass species extinctions at that time. Other scientists argue that the magnetic field does not vanish during reversals, but merely grows weaker for a time. Although we have at least 2,000 years to wonder about it, if a reversal were to occur today, one obvious effect would be mass disruption to communications systems. Much the way solar storms can affect satellite and radio signals, a magnetic field reversal would have the same effect, though to a much more pronounced degree.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Music - Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Music - Rock and Roll - Essay Example This principle helps them to look and differentiate between ordinary and underground music. Modern Garage movement tries to show people how they are engrossed in their own doings and how individuals can reform themselves within the normal capitalist. The movement tries to prevent the idea of capitalist manipulation over individuals. This idea was mostly practiced by the traditional and underground music (Abbey, 2006, Pg 50). Garage movement has addressed the importance of people practicing uniqueness and avoiding indulges in normal actions. The movement has come up with a way to teach individuals on ways to become engrossed in the normal actions of the society. This is because of how the group has provided a longing of music for times and periods. The engrossment to mainstream society activities has given people an option to how people should become biased to capitalist involvement of individuals. When Garage rock was starting its movement, they received unexpected responses from peo ple at the market places. This is a normal encounter to any emerging music movement because it has not yet established itself properly. The movement found this uncertainty to be helpful to them since they were able to show people the difference between ordinary music and the way to perform real music. The movement enjoyed the mixing of the music people longed for and the changing of the past with severity and sarcasm of the current America. Modern Garage movement started with the aim of supporting an American society and still has the goal of addressing the importance of uniqueness. The first Garage group that was successful incorporated both characteristics of the past, and connected them in the modern background. This was a challenge for the underground music because they thought that Garage style was not going to be successful. This was not hard-core or confrontation music, but it brought actual rock music. The underground music became the concern with those involved with Garage music, but they also offered a chance for new music to come up. Modern Garage shows interest to go back to periods when revolt was taken lightly (Fox & Chings, 2008, Pg 44). This is demonstrated by how they play their music and the attitude presented in the performance. Modern Garage music is related to self-longing version within people’s culture. These versions started from Britain and the backgrounds of the 1960 Greek culture. It is also noted that Hollywood films have demonstrated these versions of rebellion, which are acceptable in the societal customs. Some participants claim that these actions are intrusive, and can result to violent actions while others suggests that the music is a set of music that force people to the principles of music standards. There are people who are fond of the mainstreaming music while others have a negative feeling about the music and they are interested in the underground music (Fox & Ching, 2008, Pg 57). There are certain times that indivi duals are given an opportunity to come up with modern Garage music within certain periods of longing rebellion. The periods that are demonstrated are those that show times in which revolt were realized in the societies and made people be shocked because of certain happenings. The current world has denied people a chance to revolt. This is the reason as to why people get involved into Garage rock so that they can demonstrate some rebellion as they are
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Changes in House prices in UK over the Last Three Years Essay
Changes in House prices in UK over the Last Three Years - Essay Example This was a very big challenge for citizens to purchase houses. It happens in that; the demand for houses has gone up from Q1 to Q2, but the quantity supplied has not changed and remains stable at Q1. This means the number of houses available in the market is minimal than the number of houses the buyers are willing and able to buy. This created a shortage for the houses, which is the difference between Q2 and Q1. According to supply and demand theory, when demand is high and supply is low, the sellers tend to increase the price of a commodity from P1 to P2. In the short run, supply in the house market is inelastic. Therefore, the increased demand translates to an increase in the prices of houses. The increase in prices results from the fact that the supply (Q1) of houses is not equal to the demand (Q2) of houses and this causes disequilibrium in the market (Higson, 2011: 81). However, the prices of houses in the long run have gone down. Several factors cause the decrease of the house prices. One of the factors leading to decrease in prices is that the government has ensured that interest’s rates of getting a loan are very low. This has encouraged investors to obtain mortgage loans at relatively low interest rate. This implies that they are able to refund the money with very little amounts of interest. Therefore, supply of houses has gone up within the period. When supply increases, the price of the houses go down since the supply exceeds demand. On the other hand, deposit rates of a mortgage have been high, and this leads to a decreased demand. As a result, there has been excess supply in the house market. Another factor that has led to the decreased demand of houses f or the last three years is that the rate of unemployment has gone up. Reduced interest rates have resulted to losses in the financial institutions. These institutions have to lay off some of their employees. Therefore, many people end up losing their jobs and this increase the rate of unemployment. This increases the number of people without the ability to pay the high mortgage deposits (Vermeulen, 2003:37). This means that the number of capable buyers of houses has reduced. As a result, the demand for houses decreased yet the supply of houses increased form Q1 to Q2, yet the able buyers remain Q1 who are less as compared to the supply. Therefore, because of an increase in the unemployment rates, this is a cause of low demand in the house market. According to the demand and supply theory, when the supply increases and demand decreases, the price of a commodity falls from P1 to P2. Another factor that has led to falling of the house prices in UK is issuing of residues to investors in the house market. This has encouraged investors to build more houses hence increasing the supply of the houses. Increase in supply is subject to a reduced demand and a decrease in the house prices (Geyer, 2009:138). This increases the loss made by financial institutions because residues discourage investors from borrowing from the lending institutions. Finally, lenders continue making more losses. This leads to a high rate of unemployment when the companies continue making losses. All these discussed factors leading to the reduced prices are crucial and have relatively led to a decreased demand (Geyer, 2009:139). In the coming years, the prices of houses will continue going down. The reasons for the low prices are that people will continue losing their jobs, and this will reduce demand for houses in UK. However, though the mortgage finances availability
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
CPOE,Electronic Signature, 3 Risk Management Recommendations for Assignment
CPOE,Electronic Signature, 3 Risk Management Recommendations for Nurses - Assignment Example Secure information management system ensures integrity and trust with individual and others’ personal information. In this case, enhanced security measures should be initialized. For example; biometric signing in and out, immediate automatic log out when a computer is idle, and always encrypt information so as to be accessed the intended recipient only. For this scenario, the nurse should have either completely attended to the first patient before diverting her attention to the next case or she could have called in another nurse or primary care practitioner and give instructions accordingly with proper documentation of the extent she had examined the patient. Alternatively she could have procedurally handed over to the next shift of nurses before leaving the hospital. The fact that data/ information in the Case Study health institution is never handle with the expected care and given proper security is the most troubling issue. Professionally information is the key to success, meaning therefore that all that information kept in this institution forms the background of good management. Ethically, medical information of either inpatient or outpatient should always remain a secret between the doctor/nurse and patient for that matter. However, this scenario demonstrated neither ethical nor professional ways of handling such information in that on arrival at work the following day she found addition of medical records done, inappropriate web access, gained access to the narcotics, and a print out copy of the assessment left in the patient’s
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Challenges to HR Managers at British Gas
Challenges to HR Managers at British Gas Challenges to HR Managers at British Gas 1.0 Q 1 . Business Environment is changing everyday and bringing new challenges to the HR Managers. What are the challenges forces by HR Managers at British Gas in the UK? Ans.: With the increase in business competition locally and globally, organizations must become customer-focused to succeed. Therefore HR professional has to work out to become a strategic partner and a change mentor within the organization. In order to succeed, Human Resource must be a business driven function with a thorough understanding of the organizations big picture and be able to influence key decision and policies. In general the focus of todays HR Manager is on strategic personnel retention and talents development. And they will also promote and fight for values, ethics, norms and beliefs within the organization. In a 2004 Deloitte Research Study, Athey (2004. p1) noted that, organizations in recent days have to deal with many external forces which influences the way they do business and how they develop and implement a business plan. Some of the external influences that impact an organizations business planning are: government, natural disasters, terrorist threats, local and community, vendor, competitors, transportation etc. Therefore it is important for British Gas to have their business continuity plan. If British Gas able to do so then they can reduce their small and large unknown affect in their daily operations. That is why HR Manager of British Gas should evolve with the change in competitive market environment and realize that they must play a more strategic role in the success of an organization. So, in this global business environment crisis what kinds of challenges are faced by the British Gass HR managers? In UKs market the companies like: EDF energy, EON energy, N power, Scottish Hydrogen are consistently competing with British Gas. If these companies reduce their prices to attract more customers then it will be a challenging issue for British Gas. If this happens then, British Gas can reduce their prices at the same time manage their customers with quality services and make them happy with offering some bonus facilities. For doing this British Gas has to hire skilled employee and place them in a challenging position, Otherwise they might face the retention challenges. Secondly, looking at some political challenges like: regulation of counter policies country tax; Since the whole world economy is unstable and to make some positive changes in UKs economy govt. might impose some extra taxes to the big companies like British Gas. And if this is happen then British Gas management might think about to reduce their workers salary or layoff some workers. Thus how to plan the HR competency towards British Gas employee then? Then again some social factors like: attitude of workers towards the management is a problem. Example: workers are not giving their best effort, may be they are emotional or not satisfied with their job. Sometimes the workers bring their family problem in work. So how the HR manager will handle these issues? Then again, when British Gas hire employee from different culture sometimes the hired people dont know the English very well but they have the competency of holding the offered position. So its a kind of challenge for HR manager tha t which trainings are given to the employee and how that employee will be fitted to the specific position. A part of that, every single day new technologies are coming up. So how the British Gas HR will fit the workers with their new technologies, which training they can provide to the workers then? Then the late ages workers are not that skilled of using the technical staffs but they are well efficient towards their manual works. Thus how HR will fix this problem. According to Cox, (1993) suggests that a HR Manager needs to change from an ethnocentric view (our way is the best way) to a culturally relative perspective (lets take the best of a variety of ways). This shift in philosophy has to be ingrained in the managerial framework of the HR Manager in his/her planning, organizing, leading and controlling of organizational resources. Now we should look forward to how globalization changes the HR policies and a part of that, what kind of challenges are facing by the HR Managers. So globalization can be defined based on ongoing political, economical, social and technological issues and with the help of these issues business environments have been greatly changing from last few decades. Thus organizations are required to respond in a strategic manner to the changes in order to survive and progress in this competitive world. And for surviving well into the market the HR manager should be integrated with the strategy and strategic need of the firm. Then HR policies should adjust, accepted and used by line managers and employee as part of their daily work. According to the above statement, the British Gas has already focused on macro based oriented, productive, and long term goals. Nowadays Human Resource function faces many challenges during the globalization process, including creating global mind-set within the HR g roup, creating practices that will be consistently applied in different locations while also maintaining the various local cultures and practices and communicating consistent corporate culture across the entire organization. In this circumstance British Gas Managers should meet these challenges and the whole organization should consider the HR personnel not as just the administrative service but as a strategic business. As an expanding business of British Gas, HR managers will face some problems like: Health Safety policies, EU regulations, huge demand for quality service to the customers. Therefore British Gas can developing health safety policies by conducting risk assessments which indentify hazards, carrying out health safety audits and inspections, implementing occupational health programs, managing stress, preventing accidents, communicating with employee about the health safety practices etc. And for fulfilling the customer demand, those who are working for British Gas needed more technical training, people skills training. And the HRD of British Gas also can come up with some global training programs like: Cross cultural technology transfer, international protocol and presentation, Language training etc. If British Gas trains their employee with a global perspective then the trained employee shall be improving job satisfaction and retention of overseas staff and enabling a newly assigned employee to communicate with colleagues abroad. These kinds of training will not only help them to develop their skills and knowledge but also work as motivational and building block to organizational success. Q2. Comment on how HR activities contribute to the success of British Gas. Use any 2 HRM Models to explain your answer. Ans.: Nowadays effective and efficient HRM is a big challenge to all HR professionals. And the sole purpose of HR is to help humans via mediator between employees and employer. Thus British Gas has to determine what benefits they are willing to offer to their employees and what portions the company is willing to pay for those benefits vs. what they may mandate their employees to share costs in those same benefits. Since HR professionals are playing a very vital role for British Gas therefore its important to know that how the HR strategies align with British Gas business strategies. Since British Gas is a huge company and lots of technical workers are working with them thus in this company there is a need to attract, retain and motivate employee because it is heavily dependent on the knowledge base and expertise of the employee and such there is a need for building a kind of high performance culture based on a strategic mission. HR activities contribute to the success of British Gas in the following way: Recruiting both skilled and unskilled employee which have to go through the training and development called traineeship, which provides a way the new employee/recruit learns about the gas industry, gain relevant skills and qualification to ensure that organization objective to meet consumers high demand for quality services and competitive price for products and services. HR train their engineers throughout that career which ensure that its employees are kept up to date with new information and technology to enable them provide the best possible service. HR has strategy of retaining its people by offering a mix of financial and nonfinancial benefits. This is in line with the organization strategy. As well as the good pay and pension scheme also providing each employee the opportunity of buying shares in Centrica. From the analysis above, it is clear that we can say British Gas adopts two models, namely: Fit model Holistic/dialogue model. Fit Model: represent recognition of the importance of the people in the achievement of organizational strategy. Employees are seen as key in the implementation of organizational and HR strategy is designed to fit the requirements of the organizational strategy. British Gas uses this method to align their HR strategy with organization strategy also it aligns the interest of the workers (pension scheme, investment opportunity, development and training, salary interest)with the interest of the organizations (to maintain the competitive position the company has within the energy market, ensure returns on investment by making profit by share holders) end goal. Harvard Framework for HRM: Harvard model (Beer et al) of HRM developed by Michel Beer, Richard Walton, Quinn Mills, they argues that human resource policies are to be influenced by two significant consideration, first, situational factors, second, shareholders interest. And Harvard framework also explains the significance of the HR policies in the organization which recognize external environment and refers that if its properly used would lead to organizational effectiveness. It also can be used a good fit between organization environment and HR policies and it would lead to various element like employee commitment, cost effectiveness in product and services and congruence which are all covered by the Harvard model and the British Gas holds firmly these elements in dealing with its employee as one of its organizational; objectives. The following elements will give us the idea that how the HR in British Gas apply this to the organization. Competence: The HRM of British Gas has a policy that reflects to the organisational objective in selection of their workforce. HR department not only concern about recruiting skilled engineers but also give attention to go through its assessment centre before appointing an employee for his/her job, which can determine the core competence and life skill of that employee. Personal skills that are created an impact on the customers experience when someone is to work on the field. Core competencies involves team working, leadership skills, listening skills, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills(such as properly dealing with customers), motivation skills, innovation skills and responding to changes. These are crucial skills that can affect the way an individual fits in and works within an organisation and also important because these skills can determine the companys lose or gain more customers. And if British Gas loses then the customers will be shifted to their rivals. Commitment: according to Bratton, John and Gold, Jeffrey (Beer et al: Human resource management Theory and Practice second edition: page 19). Refers, one way HR of British Gas can contributes to the company is that the employee are made to invest high interest to their work within the organization, which will give up two aspects: First, it will enhance self respect and value, at British gas the HRM has a policy that counter on employees, for those offered a job, With Human resource strategy British Gas provides the job benefits including a market competitive starting salary and van from outset. And with British Gas development offers technical comprehensive training for all its engineers throughout their career by their training academy. And the training ensures that employees are kept up to date with new information and technologies and provide best services possible. Second, it will accelerate the employee loyalty and performance towards their work. When British Gas offers employee to invest in the company with having to their own shares in its Parent company (Centrica), also offering good pension scheme after retirement which increase the commitment of the job and good sense of responsibilities. And its the plus point of promotion to management level, which is a strategy of the HR in retaining its suitable people for promotion to higher role, because it needs managers to plan, organise and co-ordinate the teams of engineers. Congruence: here it states that there must be agreement between and amongst various HRM policies and practises in operation. At British Gas HR need to keep in mind the fact that having a company policies of recruiting people from different background and sex as is seen in the case, the company in trying to meet with a recruitment process that is all embarrassing (being recognised by operation now, wining the prestigious award for inspiring the work force of the future, an award for women into science and engineering etc) must consider not just overall employee numbers but ensuring that it attracts and retain the skills that will be required within the business. British Gas managers articulate a programme of forecasting to assume how much the UK market for domestic gas service will grow and this helps the company to decide how many additional engineer they will require in the near future. Cost effectiveness: At the same time HR policies must be evaluated in terms of wages, benefits, turnover etc. In this segment British Gas HR implements its strategy that confront to the organisational strategy in developing and recruiting their employees to become capable and competent employees. And future managers can ensure the organisation turnover remains increasingly high and implement in their salary policy that is highly competitive. Thus, HRM knows it is much more cost effective to retain trained staff than recruit and train up new people therefore this strategy which is in line with the organisations strategy of minimising cost and maximising quality staff retain ship through offering a mix of both financial and non financial benefits helps the organisation achieve its goals. Lastly, looking at long term scenario, the organisation tries to differentiate between three levels: social, organizational and individual. In organisational level increased effectiveness and ensure the survival of the organisation. By providing top-class service at lower price to its customers and ensuring for a well define working environment, and also developing job training and a good pension scheme for it employee at the British Gas. At individual employee level the long term output comprises the reward receive by the workers for their efforts. In the societal level some of British Gas societal goals (employment and growth) are attained, offering exciting career paths for people of all backgrounds. This is how HRM at British Gas can achieve the success. Q3. Describe Recruitment Selection Strategies that have been taking by British Gas to enhance organization performance? Ans.: For British Gas workforce planning is essential because it analyze an organizations future needs for people in terms of numbers, skills and locations. It allows the organization to plan how those needs can be met through recruitment, selection and give them proper training. It is vital for British Gas to plan ahead because the company wants to satisfy their diversity customers by recruiting socially inclusive workforce. It seems that their HR personnel are little too much busy with the recruitment and selection process to meet its future demands for staff. It allows a business time to train existing staff to take on new responsibilities and to recruit new staff to fill vacancies or to meet skill shortages. But due to the recession, many organizations including British Gas not willing to expect so much on recruitment. Thus is this circumstance what are the strategies they are following in their recruitment and selection process. Recruitment strategies: British Gas recruitment involves attracting the right of applicant to apply for vacancies. They follow some ways of recruiting people. They first looks at its internal talent plan to fill a vacancy. This is a process that lists current employees looking for a move within the same level or gets a promotion to the next level. Since they need to make happy diversify customers thus they need to search people from the different regions peoples. So they can help their customers by offering different language, cultural value, norms ethics. They also emphasis on recruiting female engineers so that they can handle the female customers. This is just because sometime some female customers do feel comfortable to talk to the male one. And for some other external recruitment, British Gas advertises vacancies (like: apprenticeship) via their specialist Sky channels like parliamentary project TV, radio, newspapers, DVD for schools and British gas website. Selection Strategies: involves choosing the most suitable people from those that apply for a vacancy, while keeping to employment laws and regulation. For British Gas screening candidates is a very important part of the selection process. This ensures that those selected for interview have the best fit with the job requirements. Ref: The Challenges of Human Resource Management..:The Challenges of Human Resource Management. 25th November, 2009
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