Saturday, May 23, 2020
Parallel Web Pages in English and Regional Languages
Language identification of written text in the domain of Latin script based languages is a well-studied research area. However, new challenges arise when it is applied to non-Latin-script based languages, particularly for Asian languages web pages. Web page classification creates new research challenges because of the noisy nature of the pages. It’s no doubt that English has been the predominant language for the World Wide Web since its inception and so it’s usage is confined to a specific community of people have a good grasp of the English language. The serviceability factors of the Internet have proven to be beneficial to a highly educated society, because of the linguistic barrier. The solution to this problem is to provide web pages in regional languages. Our aim is to provide web pages in pairs, of Devanagari and English web pages if it exists. In order to provide parallel Web Pages in native language Hindi or Marathi on the fly we require classification of web p ages in Devanagari and English. We had experiment on 500 web pages in English and Devanagari web pages and could label it correctly. Keywords: Classification of Devanagari Web pages, UTF-8 Encoding . 1.Introduction With the explosion of multi-lingual data on the Internet, the need and demand for an effective automated language identifier for web pages is further increased. Web search in Indian languages is constantly gaining importance. With the fast growth of Indian language content on the web, manyShow MoreRelatedMy Name is Nobody: Postmodernism in Derek Walcotts The Schooner Flight1389 Words  | 6 Pagesimitation of a peculiar mask, speech in a dead language: but it is a neutral practice of such mimicry, without any of parodys ulterior motives, amputated of the satiric impulse†(Rose 18). 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Unit 1 P1,P2 M1 - 1498 Words
P1- Explaining the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context. Effective communication is way in which people communicate towards each other. There are wide ranges of ways that communication can take place for example one to one conversations, group conversations. This can either be informal or formal depending on the individual’s outcome. An example of effective communication that can take place in a health and social care setting is a hospital, for example a nurse and her colleague are talking about how much they enjoy their jobs, and this is a form of effective communication. One- To –One communication – A one to one happens when a person speaks to a individual, or writes to the†¦show more content†¦Informal communication is good way of communication as it can make a individual more relaxed and effective as it’s more easier and complex for the person to interact, as they don’t have to worry about being proper and correct. Interpersonal interaction Interpersonal interaction is how people relate towards each other in a verbal interaction or non-verbal interaction. Verbal interactions include speech, tone of somebody’s voice, listening and language. Non-verbal interactions include a person’s body language and the way they express it for example their posture, facial expression and their proximity. Interpersonal communication can take place in a health and social care setting, for example: at a care home, there is a new career and she does not speak English properly, so therefore it is hard for her to interact with the residents, which makes this is a language barrier. P2 – Argyle’s Theory of the Communication Cycle Michael Argyle is a social psychologist who developed theories about interpersonal interaction and human communication. He carried out experimental theories of non-verbal and verbal communication to develop and test he’s theoretical ideas. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Period in American History from 1781 to 1789 Free Essays
The period in American History from 1781 to 1789, when the United States was organized under the Articles of Confederation, was not characterized by a strong and effective government, but instead provided the framework upon which a more effective government could be built. The Articles of Confederation, since they prevented a strong central government from having power over states’ rights, tended to create problems for a government that wished to rule with any amount of authority. This was particularly evident in the areas of foreign relations, internal discontent over tariffs, and political party struggles. We will write a custom essay sample on The Period in American History from 1781 to 1789 or any similar topic only for you Order Now While the United States was attempting to establish itself in diplomatic affairs, this became increasingly difficult to do since the federal government had little power when it came to tariffs and import duties, and also because it had no way of enforcing any agreement which it made with other countries. John Jay’s Treaty with Great Britain proposed measures which would improve relations between Great Britain and the U. S. , but because the U. S. was not a strong military power, it lacked the means to enforce the agreements of Jay’s Treaty. A similar type of situation occurred when the U. S. tried to negotiate with Spain over the right to navigate on the Mississippi River. Because of the weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation, the United States did not reach a peaceful settlement concerning the Mississippi River until the Pinckney Treaty of the 1790’s. Political party struggles (or struggles between the beginnings of political parties) also tended to bring about disunity in the early government, thereby weakening its effectiveness. Rawlin Lowndes reflected the attitudes of the pre-Constitutional era in his speech to the South Carolina House of Representatives, when he stated that, rather than tear down the existing government and adopt a constitution, attempts should be made to improve the existing structure. Further conflicts over the nature of the Constitution occurred between federalists, who supported a Constitution with provisions for a strong central government, and anti-federalists, who favored supremacy of states’ rights. These conflicts added to the existing troubles of the government under the Articles of Confederation, thus making it even more difficult to rule effectively. Internal problems also existed in the area of land distribution, although these were solved fairly effectively by the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The manner in which new lands acquired from Great Britain had been redistributed also caused an increase in the faith of the government between 1781 and 1789. However, internal struggles continued to exist. Tariffs that were passed between states caused internal friction for the new country and the lack of a unified monetary system brought additional problems. Since the government under the Articles was not given power to set up a sound currency system, or to establish a national bank, even greater disorganization prevailed. The founding fathers realized this need for a stronger central government and eventually organized at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to discuss the problem. Although they recognized the present government’s weaknesses, they also saw that the basic structure of it was based on a sound principle and should not be done away with completely. Although problems continued to exist over questions like whether to have a national bank, the Founding Fathers eventually agreed that a Constitution and a strong central government would be needed if the government of the U. S. was to rule effectively. How to cite The Period in American History from 1781 to 1789, Essay examples
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